The Organization as a whole won't go bust, they will probably sell every KH they can and pocket the money for survival, trim down all functioning expenses to those that show a profit get read of a lot of free laborer they have to feed and house, and be bare bones until they come up with another scam to start raking in the positive cash flow. But with the slow minds of the heavily indoctrinated guiding it that may take many years.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
If the Watchtower corporation went bust
by Fred Franztone inwhat do you think would happen to jehovah's witnesses as a religion and as a people?.
Sunday's Watchtower Study March 18... Another Money Appeal
by BluesBrother injanuary 2018 issue "why give to the one who has everything?
an unashamed contribution appeal... this one with the most manipulative language i can imagine... it may have been commented on before, but i am going to anyway.. p5 quote.
"would you not agree that jehovah is worthy of all the glory and honor that we can give him by offering the best that we have?
Brokeback Watchtower
I betcha there will be a big sell off of Kingdom Halls way before they really need to. It sounds like they are balls to the walls grabbing all the money they can get, while the getting is good.
I think long before they need are in dire straits the selling will really begin in earnest, pull the carpet right from under the JDubs before they even know what hit them and before any major protests start happening and they run into lots of legal red tap.
The sell off should only gain momentum.
I'm sure the Governing Body are also raking it in personally$$$$ in bank accounts with all this cash coming available.
In a couple of years all KH gone to the highest bidder, with loyal brain dead JWs getting their spiritual fix from host of actors and public speakers who don't vary from their GB approved script.
Major Ed Dames "Remote Viewing"....Life as we know it will change!
by Was New Boy inedward a. dames, major, u.s. army, is a decorated military intelligence officer and original member of the u.s. army prototype remote viewing training program.. major ed dames served as the one and only training and operations officer for the defense intelligence agencys psychic intelligence (psint) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the matrix intelligence agency.. today, with the secrets of remote viewing developed through a top-secret u.s. military program with the cia, major ed dames has refined remote viewing to an exact science.. youtube his "coast to coast" broadcast may 17th.
2011 and then post your comments.
it will blow your minds.. some of his team of 60 "viewers" (and they all agree) predictions.. 1. many major earthquakes.
Major Ed Dames "Remote Viewing"....Life as we know it will change!
by Was New Boy inedward a. dames, major, u.s. army, is a decorated military intelligence officer and original member of the u.s. army prototype remote viewing training program.. major ed dames served as the one and only training and operations officer for the defense intelligence agencys psychic intelligence (psint) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the matrix intelligence agency.. today, with the secrets of remote viewing developed through a top-secret u.s. military program with the cia, major ed dames has refined remote viewing to an exact science.. youtube his "coast to coast" broadcast may 17th.
2011 and then post your comments.
it will blow your minds.. some of his team of 60 "viewers" (and they all agree) predictions.. 1. many major earthquakes.
Myths are they Lies or Metaphors???
by frankiespeakin ini've been reading about joesph cambell.
every where i research i hear his name as the greatest expert on myths in this 20th century so hear is a partial clip & link about his book "thou art that".
click on link to read more:.
Brokeback Watchtower
One of the achievements of this remarkable and scholarly book is to illuminate Jung’s entire opus though its comprehensive attention to one of the most striking and distinctive of the Collected Works. Paul Bishop’s commentary is a beautifully argued elucidation of the cultural history, biographical dimension, analytical psychology framework, and not least the lively text of Jung’s Answer to Job. It succeeds in giving the reader, this one certainly, a new understanding of Jung’s career-long endeavor to investigate the interdependence of art, science and religion (p. 163). And if this commentary works inwards in making multiple connections between Answer to Job and the The Collected Works, so too does it turn outwards in re-presenting Jung to the world, for as Bishop argues, [i]t is easy for supporters and detractors alike to make huge claims for or against Jung, if the historical and cultural context of analytical psychology is not taken fully into account’ (p. 50).
In describing Jung in his context of European and Romantic philosophy in volumes such as Synchronicity and Intellectual Intuition in Kant, Swedenborg and Jung (Edwin Mellen Press, 2000), Bishop has restored Jung to the history of ideas. Now Jung’s Answer to Job , one of Jung’ s relatively neglected yet most readable works, is made more accessible and more contemporary by this pertinent commentary. The book is divided into an Introduction preceding Part 1, which consists of two chapters – on the genesis of the text in Jung’s life and writings, and exploring the conceptual and thematic underpinning. Part 2 provides the detailed commentary on the text, building up a sense of its drama of increasingly urgent psychological, theological and biographical concerns. It is enormously helpful that the Introduction offers a history of intellectual and artistic responses to the book of Job, with an emphasis on those traditions germane to Jung. In particular Jung’s opposition to the modern demythologising of Christianity is carefully explored.
The chapter, ‘Genesis of the Text’, looks at the roots of Jung’s unorthodoxy as recorded in Memories, Dreams, Reflections , especially in the dreams, where Bishop gives valuable new readings of some previously neglected material. Answer to Job is then read against previous treatments of the Self, such as Aion, and its progress is mapped in Jung’s published correspondence. After analyzing the controversies of the work’s reception, the commentary draws on literary notions such as ‘defamiliarisation’, showing its intrinsic connection to Jung’s Romanticism. In a creative and illuminating cross-reference between analytical psychology and literary theory, Bishop explains the unique narrative form. Answer to Job is a kind of synchronic historical-biography in which time and history occur as both linear and simultaneous. Jung’s text can start up a dialogue with the whole of the bible at any one point.
‘Sermons and Symbols’ is a chapter that considers the heat generated by Martin Buber’s accusations of Gnosticism. Despite making extensive use of Gnostic language, Jung always denied such an adherence. His defense, Bishop cogently argues, lies in that crucial distinction for Answer to Job , between the God concept or image and the transcendent actuality. What critics like Buber often overlook (and Jung himself is not helpful in this) is the extent that Jung is writing out of what he called his ‘personal myth’. The God of Answer to Job is Jung’s protestant Swiss image of God, not a theology offered to all mankind.
It is in the exploration of Jungian concepts in Answer to Job that the shape of Jung’s thinking emerges. The form of the work is predicated on the notion that human consciousness develops in a dialectical relation to the evolution of the god archetype in the collective unconscious.
One of the ways in which Bishop’s work is particularly user-friendly is the way that the detailed commentary in part 2 draws on the intellectual framework established in the earlier chapters. So for example we learn how much Jung borrowed from the rhetoric of Gnosticism in the distinction between the pleroma, or formless void of interconnecting cosmic forces, versus the creatura, the realm of time, history and incarnation. Jung’s history is of the working out in space and time (the creatura) of the energies of the timeless, spaceless pleroma. The narrative form of such an elemental drama is the individuation of God as one pole of the evolution of human consciousness. God, or the divine archetype, is afflicted by overwhelming unconsciousness, hence the torture of Job. The answer to Job’s pain comes in repeated crises of divine-human relations. Christ’s incarnation and agony on the cross is a notable example, but one that does not end the dialectic of heaven and earth. For in writing about the biblical portrayal of God and humanity, Jung is also looking at what he regards as a long cultural record of ego-self dynamics. As the commentary puts it, Jung’s project is to examine the history of symbolic entities and to give ‘a deconstruction of the divine-human relation’ (p. 60). Such a task is conceived as peculiarly urgent in an age of what we now call weapons of mass destruction. Jung in the 1950s was writing out of anxiety about chemical and nuclear bombs. The only ‘answer’ to this evidence of imbalance between psychic powers is another incarnation in the creatura; this time in modern man. Today we must take on through individuation the demonic possibilities materially realized in such weapons. It is our only hope.
The commentary does not devote much space to the narratively bizarre function of the feminine in Answer to Job . However, I really appreciated the delicate tracing of the ambiguities of that text’s treatment of the other gender in the godhead for ‘there remains the uncomfortable impression
Russia Uses Nerve Agent to Assassinate Spy
by cofty inwhat started as news of a man and woman being found unconscious on a park bench 12 days ago is escalating into an international incident.. sergei skripal had worked as a double agent for british intelligence mi6 before he was discovered and imprisoned in russia in 2006. he was later flown to england as part of a spy-swap in 2010. on sunday 4th march he was discovered along with his 33 year old daughter yulia close to a shopping centre in salisbury.. since then the story has become increasingly bizarre.
a policeman who was first to attend the scene also became critically ill and remains in hospital.
government scientists at porton down have confirmed that the cause is a russian military-grade nerve agent novichok.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think all governments are dirty in this type of thing. USA bombing other countries(Cambodia, Vietnam, Iraq, and many more. Lets face it governments all have their spies and people who will put a hit on someone in the line of duty to ones' government. The Spy business is full of dirty tricks in every country they have to survive or the other country will beat you to the punch,, because that is the pressure on all governments in the spy business. At the same time appear holier than thou towards the rival government to the world and its citizens. And yes survival of the smartest/fittest is still at play even in the business of governments.
I hope I don't sound callous but it is what it is. This type of thing will happen time to time especially in a double agent revenge is a paramount issue. Or maybe it was all planned to happen this way in advance in retribution to some long standing quarrel with the two countries I don't know. It is very sad that innocent people not associated with this thing are suffering.
Do You Care If A World Leader Had An Affair Before Taking Office?
by minimus ini don’t care about it unless someone runs on a record of being a model family man or woman.. does it bother you if a president or princess or top government official “cheats “??
Brokeback Watchtower
No I don't care. What's that have to do with him running a country? I ask.
I want the best guy for the job and if he had an affair, I don't think it should have any type of negative effect on his carrying out his duties. I'm owning my own shadow here and we all have needs nobody should look down on him for doing something men do perhaps more than you realize.
Governments every one of them have dirty secrets and the world leaders know that. So that's why I laugh at the impeachment of Bill Clinton.
It is only the propagandized citizen think one needs to be this angelic figure to run the government properly, that is not the case it's a product of brain washing indoctrination of the public school system and history as they teach it that think a prez need to that way..
I think a guy could be banging a few guys and gals every week and still do an ok job, take JFK for example I think he was a pretty good president and he did a lot of hanky-panky.
Myths are they Lies or Metaphors???
by frankiespeakin ini've been reading about joesph cambell.
every where i research i hear his name as the greatest expert on myths in this 20th century so hear is a partial clip & link about his book "thou art that".
click on link to read more:.
Brokeback Watchtower
Thanks Hang,
Jung considers the Book of Job a landmark development in the "divine drama", for the first time contemplating criticism of God (Gotteskritik). Jung described Answer to Job as "pure poison", referring to the controversial nature of the book (Storr, 1973). He did, however, feel an urge to write the book. The basic thesis of the book is that as well as having a good side, God also has a fourth side - the evil face of God. This view is inevitably controversial, but Jung claimed it is backed up by references to the Hebrew Bible. Jung saw this evil side of God as the missing fourth element of the Trinity, which he believed should be supplanted by a Quaternity. However, he also discusses in the book whether the true missing fourth element is the feminine side of God. Indeed, he saw the dogmatic definition of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary by Pope Pius XII in 1950 as being the most significant religious event since the Reformation. Another theme in the book is the inversion of the myth that God sent his son Christ to die for the sins of humanity. Jung maintains that upon realizing his mistreatment of Job, God sends his son to humankind to be sacrificed in repentance for God's sins. Jung sees this as a sign of God's ongoing psychological development.
Why I don,t believe in reincarnation.
by jam init,s simple, i can not remember crap from my previous life.. the wife told me today if you come back in the next life, please.
take some science classes.. if i could remember a small percentage of my life today, just a little.
bit, man would it make a difference.. in school i would be 100% nerd, geek, book worm.
Brokeback Watchtower
The Dalai Lamas have functioned as both the political and spiritual leaders of Tibet for 369 years since 1642. I have now voluntarily brought this to an end, proud and satisfied that we can pursue the kind of democratic system of government flourishing elsewhere in the world. In fact, as far back as 1969, I made clear that concerned people should decide whether the Dalai Lama’s reincarnations should continue in the future. However, in the absence of clear guidelines, should the concerned public express a strong wish for the Dalai Lamas to continue, there is an obvious risk of vested political interests misusing the reincarnation system to fulfil their own political agenda. Therefore, while I remain physically and mentally fit, it seems important to me that we draw up clear guidelines to recognise the next Dalai Lama, so that there is no room for doubt or deception. For these guidelines to be fully comprehensible, it is essential to understand the system of Tulku recognition and the basic concepts behind it. Therefore, I shall briefly explain them below.
Past and future lives
In order to accept reincarnation or the reality of Tulkus, we need to accept the existence of past and future lives. Sentient beings come to this present life from their previous lives and take rebirth again after death. This kind of continuous rebirth is accepted by all the ancient Indian spiritual traditions and schools of philosophy, except the Charvakas, who were a materialist movement. Some modern thinkers deny past and future lives on the premise that we cannot see them. Others do not draw such clear cut conclusions on this basis.
Although many religious traditions accept rebirth, they differ in their views of what it is that is reborn, how it is reborn, and how it passes through the transitional period between two lives. Some religious traditions accept the prospect of future life, but reject the idea of past lives.
Generally, Buddhists believe that there is no beginning to birth and that once we achieve liberation from the cycle of existence by overcoming our karma and destructive emotions, we will not be reborn under the sway of these conditions. Therefore, Buddhists believe that there is an end to being reborn as a result of karma and destructive emotions, but most Buddhist philosophical schools do not accept that the mind-stream comes to an end. To reject past and future rebirth would contradict the Buddhist concept of the ground, path and result, which must be explained on the basis of the disciplined or undisciplined mind. If we accept this argument, logically, we would also have to accept that the world and its inhabitants come about without causes and conditions. Therefore, as long as you are a Buddhist, it is necessary to accept past and future rebirth.
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Why I don,t believe in reincarnation.
by jam init,s simple, i can not remember crap from my previous life.. the wife told me today if you come back in the next life, please.
take some science classes.. if i could remember a small percentage of my life today, just a little.
bit, man would it make a difference.. in school i would be 100% nerd, geek, book worm.